We ensure proper consideration for both professional and public interests.
The Society regularly responds to government and stakeholder consultations, representing members' views and influencing change. It advocates for human rights, equality, and accessible justice in policy and law reform. When public interest issues arise, the Society raises awareness and advocates for reform.
The Society actively monitors the work of the NI Assembly and seeks to engage MLAs, Ministers, and government officials on a range of issues of interest to the Society. The Society also engages with the Westminster Government on reserved and excepted matters where relevant.
The Society has developed and maintains strategic relationships with key organisations and institutions, promotes the contribution of the legal services sector to the regional economy, represents the interests of those within the profession and influences the development of law and practice in NI.
The Society regularly engages with the Government, Lady Chief Justice’s Office, other professional organisations such as the Bar of Northern Ireland, and the business community through representatives such as the Confederation of British Industry. The Society also engages regularly with the Law Societies in England and Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, and participates in a programme of international engagement.
Further Information
For more information on the work of the Policy and Engagement Department, please contact us at: