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Ó Muirigh Solicitors Limited
24-26 Springfield Road , Belfast , BT12 7AG02890 230222
? Muirigh Solicitors Limited
Unit 3, Twin Spires , 155 North Cumberland Street , Belfast , BT13 2JFA&L Goodbody Northern Ireland LLP
42-46 Fountain Street , Belfast , BT1 5EF028 9031 4466
Adamson Rice
29 High Street , Bangor , BT20 5BG07938179636
Adrian Travers
40 Rathfriland Street , Banbridge , County Down , BT32 3LA028 4062 9990
A F Colhoun Solicitors Omagh
The Old Library , 41 Dublin Road , Omagh , County Tyrone , BT78 1HE028 8224 2136
Agnew Andress Higgins Solicitors Limited
92 High Street , Belfast , BT1 2BG028 9024 3040
Aidan Quinn
18 Thomas Street , Dungannon , County Tyrone , BT70 1HW028 8775 2088