Remuneration Applications may be received via email to: or
Solicitors are asked to provide a copy of the Remuneration Application and the Bill of Costs as an email attachment. Solicitors should also provide relevant email contact details for the client in order to facilitate online contact.
Remuneration Applications require the assessment of the working papers retained by the solicitor. If you are only in a position to send hard copy files or papers there may unfortunately be a delay in your enquiry being acknowledged or responded to. To ensure that your enquiry is dealt with as quickly as possible please address email correspondence for the attention of the Complaints Department.
Remuneration Application forms are available to Solicitors on the members section. Relevant information leaflets are available to clients on the complaint section of our website.
All email correspondence received will be acknowledged. The Society would ask you to note that during this time of remote operation our Remuneration Application assessments will not be completed as quickly as we would normally anticipate.
The Society would remind clients of their right to apply for Taxation within 3 months of delivery of a Bill of Costs and up to 6 months in exceptional circumstances. Further information on Taxation may be obtained from the Taxing Master’s Office. Relevant Contact details may be obtained from our website -