
As requested by the Society UK Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU)-National Crime Agency (NCA), is delivering this online webinar primarily aimed at Money Laundering Reporting Officers (MLROs)/Nominated Officers (as per the Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information of the Payer) Regulations 2017). However, it will be of interest to all members providing services in scope of the said Money Laundering Regulations. 

The UKFIU-NCA, as the body to whom MLROs submit SARs, will discuss from its perspective the SARs regime and why it is in the interests of all parties to continue working together on improved reporting. 


This session will be delivered by Michael Jones - Senior Officer, Reporter Engagement.

Michael Jones is a Senior Engagement Officer within the UK’s Financial Intelligence Unit (UKFIU) at the National Crime Agency. The UKFIU is responsible for receiving, analysing, disseminating and retaining Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs). Michael is responsible for supporting the UKFIU’s priorities by fostering relationships and collaborating with the Regulated Sector to ensure high levels of quality are maintained within SAR submissions. Prior to working within the UKFIU’s Engagement function Michael worked operationally on the UKFIU International Team, responsible for mitigating risk and disseminating SARs intelligence overseas to aid International Law Enforcement partners.