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569 Results
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McAtamney Solicitors Limited
8/10 John Street , Ballymena , County Antrim , BT43 6DU028 2565 5816
McAteer & Company Limited
97 Bloomfield Road , Belfast , BT5 5LN028 9047 1480
McCaffrey & Co
8-10 Church Hill , Omagh , County Tyrone , BT78 1DQ028 8224 3902
McCallion Jones Solicitors Ltd
462A Oldpark Road , Belfast , BT14 6QG028 9074 0457
McCallum O'Kane
8 Blindgate Street , Coleraine , County Londonderry , BT52 1EZ028 7032 7112
McCann & McCann
Cathedral Terrace , 19 Church Street , Belfast , BT1 1PG028 9024 6405
McCartan Turkington Breen
16-18 Gloucester Street , Belfast , BT1 4LS028 9032 9801
McCartney & Casey
3-4 Castle Gate , Derry , County Londonderry , BT48 6HG028 7128 8888