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Nixon & Co
2-4A Kilcoole Park , Belfast , BT14 8LB028 9071 9703
Norman Shannon & Co
3-5 Union Street , Belfast , BT1 2JF028 9023 1179
Ó Muirigh Solicitors Limited
Unit 3, Twin Spires , 155 North Cumberland Street , Belfast , BT13 2JFO'Hare Solicitors
St Georges Buildings , 37-41 High Street , Belfast , BT1 2AB028 9023 4800
O'Kane Boyle Solicitors
51 St. Patrick's Street , Draperstown , County Londonderry , BT45 7AJ028 7962 8333
O'Neill Solicitors Limited
135 Cromac Street , Belfast , BT2 8JE02890 311 214
O'Reilly Stewart Solicitors
Courtside House , 75-77 May Street , Belfast , BT1 3JL028 9032 1000
O'Reilly Stewart Solicitors (Healthcare) LLP
75-77 May Street , Belfast , BT1 3JL02890 321000