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Brian Feeney & Co
32A Main Street , Castlewellan , BT31 9DG02844 615153
Brian Kelly Solicitor
301 Ormeau Road , Belfast , BT7 3GG028 9059 3030
Brolly Jameson
1 John Street , Omagh , County Tyrone , BT78 1DW028 8224 8005
Burges Salmon (Northern Ireland) Limited
Forsyth House , Cromac Square , Belfast , BT2 8LA+44 (0) 117 939 2000
Burns & Co Legal Limited
202F Andersonstown Road , Belfast , BT11 9EB02890 624442
Burns & Co Legal Limited
3 Wellington Park , Belfast , BT9 6DJ02890 624442
Burnside & Logue Solicitors Ltd
43 Main Street , Maghera , BT46 5AA028 796 42224
Caldwell & Robinson Limited
Artillery Chambers , 10/12 Artillery Street , Londonderry , County Londonderry , BT48 6RG+44 (0)28 7126 1334