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Greer Hamilton Gailey inc John McLaughlin & Co
The Rectory , 2 St Judes Avenue , Ormeau Road , Belfast , BT7 2GZ028 9049 1133
Guckian Flanagan Solicitors
7 Limavady Road , Londonderry , BT47 6JU02871 368982
Gus Campbell Solicitors (Armagh) Ltd T/A GCS
21 College Street , Armagh , County Armagh , BT61 9BT028 3752 5999
Hampson Harvey
47 Clarendon Street , Derry , BT48 7ER02871 264100
Harry McPartland & Sons
11 Market Street , Lurgan , County Armagh , BT66 6AR028 3832 2452
Harry McPartland & Sons
Niagara Buildings , Tonagh Drive , Lisburn , County Antrim , BT28 1DY028 9267 0325
Hart & Co
4Th Floor, Causeway Tower , 9 James Street South , Belfast , BT2 8DN028 9032 3545
Harte Coyle Collins, Solicitors & Advocates etc
Ground Floor, Sturgen Building , 9-15 Queen Street , Belfast , BT1 6EA02890 278227