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569 Results
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Hinds & Co Solicitors Ltd
66 Donegall Pass , Belfast , BT7 1BU028 9024 5353
Hoffman Patterson
27-29 Gordon Street , Belfast , BT1 2LG028 9031 2020
Holmes & Moffitt Solicitors
218 Knock Road , Belfast , BT5 6QD028 9079 9597
Holmes & Moffitt Solicitors
289 Shankill Road , Belfast , BT13 1FT028 9023 0836
Hool Law Limited
Suite 311 , Scottish Provident Building , 7 Donegall Square West , Belfast , BT1 6JH028 9032 3843
Horwich Farrelly Northern Ireland LLP
Suite 207, Urban Hq , Eagle Star House , 5-7 Upper Queen Street , Belfast , BT1 6FB03300 240 711
Hunt Solicitors Limited
77 High Street , Holywood , BT18 9AQ028 9042 8600
Hunt Solicitors Limited
Scottish Provident Building , 7 Donegall Square West , Belfast , BT1 6JH02890 912890