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569 Results
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Kearney Sefton Solicitors Limited
Franklin House , 10-12 Brunswick Street , Belfast , BT2 7GE028 9023 2940
Keenan Solicitors Limited
2 South Parade , Ormeau Road , Belfast , BT7 2GR028 9049 3349
Kelly & Corr
65 Clarendon Street , Londonderry , County Londonderry , BT48 7ER028 7126 3429
Kelly Solicitors Limited
207 Falls Road , Belfast , BT12 6FB028 9023 3011
Kempton Law Limited t/a Hagan & McConville
34 Edward Street , Portadown , BT62 3NE028 3839 0930
Kempton Law Limited t/a Kempton Redman Law
Dean Swift Building , Armagh Business Park , Armagh , BT60 1HW02837 523875
Kempton Law Limited t/a Kempton Redman Law
17A Church Street , Dungannon , BT71 6AB028 8740 0101
Kennedys Belfast LLP
Floor 10 , River House , 48-60 High Street , Belfast , BT1 2BE028 9024 0067