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569 Results
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Kenneth McKee & Co
35 Railway Street , Lisburn , County Antrim , BT28 1XP028 9260 5525
Keoghs Northern Ireland LLP
7Th Floor , City Exchange , 11-13 Gloucester Street , Belfast , BT1 4JH02890 232675
Keoghs Northern Ireland LLP
7Th Floor , City Exchange , 11-13 Gloucester Street , Belfast , BT1 4JHKeown Nugent Solicitors Ltd
26 Railway Street , Newcastle , BT33 0AL028 4333 0055
Keown Solicitors
Lynden House , 19 Cregagh Road , Belfast , BT6 8PX028 9045 6042
Kevin McElwee Solicitor
5 High Street , Moneymore , BT45 7PB028 8674 7320
1St Floor, Ardgivna House , 517 Antrim Road , Belfast , BT15 3BP028 9022 3960
King & Boyd
37 St Patricks Avenue , Downpatrick , County Down , BT30 6DW028 4461 2026